Manoj Kumar Spring24
I am teaching Probability for Engineers STAT 2103, this Spring 2024 session. Kindly add me as one of the instructor in this course.
- Teacher: MANOJ KUMAR
Introduction to Statistics Spring24
I am teaching Introduction to Statistics (STAT 2101) Spring 2024. Kindly add me as one of the instructor.
- Teacher: MANOJ KUMAR
Time series ||Spring24
Upon completion of this course, the students should understand the structure of time series data and nature of time series forecasting. They should be able to make forecasts using time series regress…
Introduction to Inference || Spring24
This course reviews the population parameters and sample statistics and covers Multivariate distributions, Sampling distributions, Central Limit Theorem, Methods for finding point estimators, Prope…
- Teacher: AMADOU SARR
Introduction to Sampling Spring24
This is an introductory course on the design and analysis of sample surveys. The course is intended for students from various disciplines. The course needs knowledge about elementary statistics and l…
- Teacher: M ISLAM
Time Series Forecasting For Business || Spring24
We need a page on the moodle to present the course materials.
Kind regards
Statistical Methods Spring24
Many studies, both experimental and surveys, give rise to data classified by one or more factors. Such data can be analyzed using the techniques of analysis of variance or analysis of contingency t…
- Teacher: AMADOU SARR
Statistical Inference I Spring24
This course reviews the population parameters and sample statistics and covers, Sampling distributions, Central Limit Theorem, Order statistics, Methods for finding point estimators, Properties of po…
- Teacher: MOH'D ALODAT
Introduction to Probability Spring24
This course introduces the students to concepts of probability and probability distributions needed for the development of statistical techniques in following statistics courses. Topics covered inclu…
- Teacher: Khidir Abdelbasit
- Teacher: MOUNIR ARFI
Introduction to Statistics || Spring24
This is an introductory course in Statistics designed for students with no background in Statistics and with a limited background in mathematics. The topics to be covered include: basic concepts of d…
- Teacher: Faisal Ababneh
- Teacher: Moza Al-Balushi
- Teacher: Ahmed Al Hadhrami
- Teacher: Yasir Al-Harthi
Discovering Statistics Using R || Spring24
This course aims to empower students with statistical tools using R, a popular choice in data analytics for statistical computing and graphics that is widely used in sciences and social sciences. The…
- Teacher: Faisal Ababneh